Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Godzilla is back to reality and to frighten Japanese children

Fukushima come Hiroshima? No , non dev'essere. Speriamo che non sia. Non è una nemesi, ma sarebbe una terrificante iattura che chi è stato già vittima della prima bomba atomica, diventi vittima - dopo il sisma e la grande onda nera dello Tsunami - pure delle radiazioni. Scrive il matematico Piergiorgio Odifredd i: " Nonostante le ferite e la memoria di Hiroshima e Nagasaki , il Giappone aveva infatti scelto di votarsi ugualmente all’energia nucleare, confidando come ogni Apprendista Stregone di poterla controllare ".

Lo sappiamo che il Global Warming, l'anello benzenico del oil, are perhaps more subtle and claim more victims of nuclear power. But resurrects Godzilla quell'irrazionale atomic spectrum he did say to Albert Einstein: "If the next war will be atomic, that will happen with the club after . Why would set the clock back millions of years of life on Earth.

Nuclear power should be maintained by great scientists, but especially by a crystalline transparency of the agencies. a political and physical-chemical as Angela Merkel knows what it speaks . "Ocean's Eleven" Paolo Romani, it is equally informed? Tell the Japanese were at home, "is not a horrible hoax?

Monday, March 14, 2011

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EU: Cut school, culture and education is not intelligent

The Reform Gelmini is what it is . But most of all in danger of becoming a 'lame duck "with a scary underfunding. Before the Maestro Riccardo Muti has sounded the alarm, the EU President Barroso today raises the bar: Do not remove oxygen to science and culture ... We will have a generation "impoverished." O brain drain.

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Buy Made in Japan: the Japanese to help you get up

The nuclear spectrum . Godzilla. The worst monsters in the game Tremonti. Orphaned children, people infected, homeless. Please do not tell us today that Apple has sold half a million iPad 2. We know, maybe 600 thousand in a weekend. devolvesse If Apple a huge percentage of its revenues to the Japanese , dignified and composed, but on his knees, perhaps charge a little 'sympathy. In Japan, the electricity (to 40% from nuclear sources) is rationed. Toshiba, which has an agreement with Apple half a billion dollars for the components of iPad2, has problems. For Sony, the jewel of hi-tech that Apple has always looked with admiration, the situation is anything but light. Today if we want to buy a hi-tech gadgets, Today we can buy Japan : Sony, Toshiba, but also Nintendo, NEC, Panasonic ... Helps the country get up after a 8.9-Richter scale earthquake and a tsunami scary.

ITespresso . En: earthquake and tsunami in Japan: sites for aid and the state of IT factories

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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The lesson of Japanese children and teachers

All lined up behind the teacher. All ordered, diligent, and composite as if it were one of the usual exercises of September 1. The Japanese children without screaming and without drama even in the most tragic moment , should be regarded with great respect by children and Italian parents. Perhaps the "school of Shanghai" will be too hard and does not help the creativity of the chaotic Western children (even if the mother has an air of authority that East confronts the parents who defend their responsibility always and only their children and do not find any rejection better than to appeal to the TAR, engulfed justice, rather than putting the children to study). Archived disciplinna the Chinese too authoritarian, I'm curious about the Japan school, which has much to teach even the "creative" Italian children. There are times when you deal with civic sense and spirit of unity , helps rescue, prevent further tragedies and gives you the confidence and discipline to help counter the irrational events. Even the kids on the roofs will be pierced and you will not only review the multiplication tables, but in the belief that "a team" (see class!) With the teacher, while the world teeters dangerously, it helps. And always be against all costs, does not pay ... Being libertarian does not mean out rational in the face of the worst disasters, but combine survival with solidarity towards our fellow students and work, especially without that no one remains behind and get lost ...

Friday, March 11, 2011

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March 12 not to be home, took to the streets

C-Day is the day for the Constitution. The Constitution in Article 3 that supports equal. And elsewhere riritto study. On March 12 students and citizens, all with the C-Day.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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March 24: SHOW RIDI'N'BG


The first of four meetings with the only comedy show by vivo.
By Omar Fantini, Paolo Casiraghi, Herbert Cioffi, Raffaele D'Ambrosio, Gianmarco Cornolti, Zanetti and Giorgio Vito Carrer . With a special appearance by dancers, live music of "low in sodium" and acrobats "The free". An important guest of the show or sport will be present and will play on stage con gli artisti per tutta la serata.
 Vi aspettiamo!

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Factor P / No degree? No party

Fattore P come precarietà . I dati di Almalaurea sono allarmanti, dopo che da Bankitalia Mario Draghi aveva già spiegato che il nostro non è un paese per giovani (non lo è neanche per vecchie signore... è solo un paese gerontofilo per arzilli vecchietti, magari "pedofili" in senso lato e magari analfabeti telematici: un disastro).

Riporta Beppe Sevrgnini: " Un laureato 2005 ha oggi una busta-paga media di 1.295 euro ; had gone to 'foreign in 2025 would be € . Graduates who have found work in Italy, a year after graduation, are decreased by 7% (period 2007/2009). The drop in registrations (minus 9% in four years) shows a change in population (less than nineteen) but also the poor of confidence families in the study as a means of advancement. .

Giving the study if you do not want to do a good job manual, it means even trying to get on that lift society, which already lacks itself in Italy (see who has the Bat-cave ...) . But we persist in believing in Silicon Valley-style meritocracy:)

Courier . en: The degree is still

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30% of women in

Vodafone has 33% of women Senior Manager. But more than half of the 272 companies listed has tips administrations only masculine . And companies that are "heavy" as Eni, Enel, Finmeccanica, Telecom, A2A, Acea, Immsi, Edison, Medianum ... around 145 without quotas rose. By 2015 must make room for a thousand ladies . Carlo Giovanardiha already announced his opposition in the classroom, unfortunately Lella Golfo Rosy Bindi and fight on merits but in short, the release occurred. Starting from a fifth in 2012 to reach third in 2015.

For the record: Companies run by women have less risk bankruptcy and closure. One hundred thousand thousand women more in the world of work (at all levels) would increase the Italian GDP of 0.28% (4.1 billion euro). And wealth in Europe, 30% . The womenomics short pays.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Girls Board from 2015, studied mathematics, computer science and physics: nothing but shocking-pink-term

Le bambine alle scuola Elementare spesso eccellono nei temi di italiano ma, ancora nel XXI secolo , non si scompongono più di tanto se dimenticano una tabellina, se non fanno conti a mente, velocissimi, gare di aritmetica ed algebra, e sono più distratte in matematica. Neelie Kroes , vice presidente della Commissione europea per Agenda Digitale UE , ieri in occasione della Giornata internazionale della donna dell' March 8, had to give a groomed women to invite them to learn more: mathematics, computer science, engineering and physics are not "male subjects", but have a universal appeal. Knowing software, hardware, and not just download the app of the moment: it serves.

" We women are at risk of a deep skills gap that will back Europe," said Kroes. The EU needs more women hi-tech to keep up with the guys at Google, Skype, Mark Zuckerberg ... Women not chiudiamoci fence in humanities and social sciences, but we play at 360 degrees on all tables. Even those who are not shocking pink or multitouch . More Marissa Meyer plus Carl Bartz more Carly Fiorina (although as Ad missed to integrate Compaq ...). Ada Byron, the first computer in the world was woman and daughter of a romantic poet ... Do not ever forget it;)

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I have not partying hard criterion for selection of its leaders: Enough! The real

In Senato, il dietro front dell'esecutivo, rimette al lavoro la commissione. Ma qui non sono in gioco non solo le quote rose nei Cda , ma soprattutto i criteri di selezione della classe dirigente, una strategia di sopravvivenza tra casa e luogo di lavoro, il coraggio di cambiare . Voltiamo pagina e non dividiamoci!

Il bunga bunga non è una barzelletta : il Premier la smetta present itself as a dance (from the frying pan into the fire?) and is committed to renewing the ruling class in the sense merit. The factor D not an option, but can not be trumpeted by those who have changed address to the bar exam in a college easier ... Let us not make fun of who calls the end of '68 but defends the commodification of women!

mistaken for women in Cda? Maybe. But as he writes the parliamentary Giulia Bongiorno : "Since women has never been anything forgiven their mistakes and they have always paid dear, if I'm wrong will leave the command immediately - certainly, however, before someone invokes their resignations. "

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escort? The talk-Vendolí (MEPs for sale). C-Day March 12 to March 8

"The real whores are the ones that parliamentary are sold through the service by the opposition of the premier. They also sell their services "says Margherita Hack.

While Italy is in sales and lost pieces (Bulgari to the French is just the latest list ...), say NO to all this and salvage: C-Day March 12 .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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looking for: Less taxes for all

The shares rose for equality between genders in Cda. New ideas to help women at work and at home. The President of the Republic Napolitano calls for end to put merificazione women because the image consumer reduces women to mere object .

Monday, March 7, 2011

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That television had fallen ill

The Italian mothers and daughters sell off the ? Italian families urge their daughters to be more generous, shrewd and resourceful Saving Silverman with the dragon? The Italian boyfriend now prefer to do the "pimp" instead of jealous? The Italian family is falling apart.

not only for years the worst and most heinous crimes are often family. There were enough to Istat? Today the family is a corporation to commit a crime?

Re-learn a bit 'of dignity from Moroccan father of Ruby, which denies he had never beaten the fragile daughter "But what blows. But as Catholic. That television had fallen ill ...

is the Italian family, that does not buy the PC and connects to the Internet, TV became ill ... And the human misery the whole society has become ill ... For Catholics will judge?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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"If you do not now, when? "replied the March 8

Flash mob, screenings, concerts : the dignity of women can not leave men in their underwear!
"If not now quando?" replica l '8 MARZO .

Se una donna finisce in cella e viene stuprata, e un servitore dello Stato replica: "Ma era consenziente", decisamente qualcosa non va. Non è un paese per donne? Ma noi vogliamo che l'Italia diventi un paese anche per donne!

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If our son is believed to Batman .. No, do not ask him where is Robin. The harsh law of the cartoon

Il figlio del sindaco di Milano, Letizia Moratti , avrebbe costruito una Bat-Caverna dentro un Loft. E qui, come il Premier Berlusconi, who says he lives at home as a choice: if you want to disguise by Batman, go ahead ... (But is it rational?)

The problem is that the son of the mayor would turn the loft without first obtaining the municipal permits. Under investigation for breach of construction , Batman, the 'bat man created by Bob Kane Bill Finger and , undertake a war against crime , after witnessing the murder of their parents, NO, THERE IS NEVER DONE BATMAN. And we write in block letters as you would a child of primary school: in an Italy irrational and schizophrenic (in which the laws valgono sempre "per quegli altri" mai per sé, dove l'effetto Nimby è all'ennesima potenza), almeno rispettiamo i fumetti, l' immaginario dei bambin i.

Se proprio in Italia rispettare le Leggi , civili e penali, è un optional per la classe dirigente, che almeno si rispetti la dura legge dei cartoon . Batman e Robin lottavano contro i criminali... Lo sanno anche i bambini!

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Saudi Arabia could give women the vote: in 2011 the early Dispose of the old men Arzilli

L' Arabia Saudita potrebbe dare il voto alle donne , but without grant them ' eligibility. At the early hour (for the vote, but without Eligibility, sgrunt). L ' Italy gave the vote to women February 1, 1945.

The principle of universal suffrage (only male) was introduced for the first time during the French Revolution by a committee of public health. " The primacy of universal suffrage, then male and female, belongs to New Zealand ( 1893). The Grand Duchy of Tuscany in 1848 had instead granted suffrage restricted male and female , limitato alle classi abbienti . Un po' meglio gli Stati Uniti: 1776, Suffragio universale maschile con diverse restrizioni; 1869 Voto alle donne nel Wyoming; 1918 Suffragio universale, comprese le donne; ma le ultime discriminazioni, che si opponevano all'esercizio pieno del suffragio universale, sono scomparse in America soltanto negli anni settanta del Novecento. La Gran Bretagna ha aperto al suffragio femminile (tutte le donne) nel 1928 .

Se quasi un secolo dopo, ci arriva l'Arabia Saudita... che dire, complimenti.

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...: all the reasons of Mr. Tod's to spruce Italianness

I santuari del capitalismo sono sepolcri imbiancati ? Gli arzilli vecchietti imbalsamano l'Italia? Un'Italia ingessata, paralizzata da stanchi riti, impedisce l' innovazione e va a passo di lumaca invece che a 100 Mega ? Sì.

L'Italia è fanalino di coda in quasi tutte le classifiche dell'IT e dell'Innovazione: è lontano anni luce dalla Silicon Valley, dal Nord Europa e dalle tigri asiatiche . Non basta un iPad 2 o un tablet Android di ultima generazione per far voltare pagina all'Italia: servono la banda ultra-larg a, un cambio di mentalità incline ad innovare e la voglia di tornare a scoprire nuovi talenti invece di raccomandare i soliti noti, le mezze calzette o perfino le escort laureate.

Mister Tod's, rottami gli arzilli vecchietti! I ragazzi italiani, oggi colpiti dal tasso di disoccupazione giovanile del 30% (tra i più alti al mondo), le saranno grati a vita. Se anche il coguaro è estinto , i ragazzi italiani non vogliono fare la fine del Dodo...

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Bob Geldof, 59: "A Ruby like the elderly, perhaps you have a chance" The dignity of women

Ruby è gerontofila ? Non è divertente a 18 anni non avere di meglio da fare che passare una serata con Richard Lugner, 78 anni, o con Larry Hagman, il cattivo di Dallas invecchiato male, con cappello bianco da cowboy abbinato allo smoking... Tombale, la battuta di Bob Geldof , 59 anni: " A Ruby piacciono gli anziani, forse con lei ho una chance ".

Comunque, fra Ruby, la gerontocrazia e le 18enni, già cariatidi , del ballo delle debuttanti, Ruby sembra decisamente la più sveglia in quel di Vienna.

P.s.: concordiamo with Karima's father (aka Ruby): Because the Italian state did not protect Ruby from start to prostitution? Because the protected structures have not worked well? Advocating for children, teenagers - all minors - from the dangers of the road is the duty of all.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Carmen Consoli against the "Woman's". The cantantessa paints
  • femininity declined in four types. The lovely Miss intrapredente, the telegenic apprentice in his career, a carer for "80 year old billionaire and fascinating," the woman as long as "bona" \u200b\u200b... What future for women in Italy? Enough with the commodification of the female body.
  • REPUBBLICA.IT EXCLUSIVE VIDEO:''WANTED''Carmen''and women''in his career
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    If Berlusconi Papi-girls only gives the Mini Cooper and Smart, Marchionne who would like to sell Fiat 500 and Panda?

    Ferrari might have been excessive even for Ruby, but if Berlusconi
    Papi gives to girls-only Mini Cooper and Smart , I do not see who could sell Marchionne, Fiat 500 and Panda.
    The Fiat are
    decline of 27%. After five months of drills flop with a negative -30% and -25%. And this time the unions have nothing to do really. One would do the
    • Hugh Hefner
    • Italian and failed, the other in a cashmere sweater would do the Steve Jobs-of-the-car performance with
    short: sweater is not enough to make the manager ... as false-bunnies are not enough to make the boss of Playboy and the Playboy Mansion Arcore transform ... In Italy there is definitely something wrong: Americans do 's not enough, try that with more serious and effective strategies (and advertising that does not give the "mussel
    your wife
    " I believe that prefer to be offended and the Mini Cooper!).

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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    The openings of the new iPad

    Nothing in the world arouses such
    agonizing wait, bulimic frenzy and numbing curiosity as the launch of a nuovo prodotto Apple . Neanche le foto di Silvio B. nudo in mezzo alle sue Playmate di quart'ordine susciterebbe tanto scandalo od eccitazione
    quanto la
    foto sfocata di un dettaglio insignificante, marginale e pixellato di un iGadget di Apple. Ebbene: il countdown è iniziato: iPad sarà fra noi questa sera all'ora di cena...
    Invece del TG gli italiani saranno serviti con gli
    ultimi particolari su tutti gli orifizi di iPad 2 . Neanche le conigliette di Hugh Hefner fanno fremere tanto quanto una titillante immagine di un nuovo porta-iPad, una nuova sezione di iOS 5 (iOS 4.3 o già 5? ma avrà lo Slot SD o no????? Ma ci sarà Steve Jobs o no...? Ma sarà bianco o no?). (la lap dance sull'iPhone non gliela farà mai passare liscia!) Bianco o nero, a ciascuno il suo iPad 2: Effetto iPad 2 con Steve Jobs
    Le società di analisi si interrogano su iPad 2
    Gizmodo .it: iTunes 10.2 scaricabile da subito

    iPad 2: tutto quello che c’è da sapere

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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    March 12: Defend the public school

    La scuola pubblica è il luogo dove i nostri figli diventano cittadini. La scuola pubblica offre
  • pari opportunità e crea le premesse per un ascensore sociale in grado di portare meritocrazia
  • in un paese bloccato e fermo al palo. La scuola pubblica è un luogo di felice contaminazione dove le differenze arricchiscono! Difendiamola :)
  • La disoccupazione
  • colpisce
  • un ragazzo su tre . Ma a preoccupare sono i dati sulla precarietà: precari oggi , alla fame
  • domani . Che futuro! Repubblica .it: MANDATE MESSAGGI - FOTO - VIDEO

    L' Espresso : Precari ora, alla fame da vecchi di Roberta Carlini

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    shares rose. The reasons for the yes and no

    Il soffitto di cristallo resiste ad oltranza e
    le "quote rosa" (30%), L'Espresso: is the opposite of NO:
    : Shares rose? No. decide what
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    Lesson of Teutonic style: for a plagiarism resigns Defence Minister

    A plagiarism is an embarrassment? In Italy no
  • : copy-and-Paste (Cut and paste) the Word word processor and the various national sport, a source of pride, a shortcut, a trick worthy of Odysseus. NEVER citing sources is a syndrome of intellectual supremacy. Entire career in Italy provide a copy of CV in whole pieces, without a shred link (also at the bottom and in microscopic fonts), so much, maybe it was copied from a "lower site", a mainstream journalist and career, writing for a hobby and for personal
  • divertissement. Definitely a poor idiot-in-a-blog-sack no ifs, ands or buts. In Germany, the meritocracy is not an optional
    : Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
    , imagine: plagiarism? Not at all: it is like listening to at the bar or in the speeches of the subway station, is prte the "trade" (which one? Eavesdropping?). How are taken around the mothers who are trying to teach two languages \u200b\u200bto children from an early age (as if "being bilingual" was a fault, a demerit ...), trying to offer television with a culture not their own children ... Copy - rip off - to be "crafty" nice - always look for shortcuts - to recommend themselves: popular national sport. Who cites sources, is a poor fool. That's it. Yes, Berlusconi has done damage, is undeniable. But it has done damage on a standardized culture degraded by the shortcut. In short, the Berlusconi (with all its flaws) has found fertile ground. It will not be easy to rebuild in the post-Berlusconi Italy at the Berlusconi brings us to the decline, but the crafty Italy at the range from right to left. It makes a fine copy of himself in any public display. "It will not be easy, but you know, you die a bit 'in order to live. Goodbye love hello .. . "( Battiato )

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    March 10: two years of Ridinbergamo

    Laboratory comic Bergamo
    Auditorium Piazza della Libertà
    at 21.30
    Input 6 €

    Celebrate with us the first two years of laughter in Bergamo
    03/19/2009 03/19/2011

    will the last evening of the "traditional" Ridi'n'Bergamo. From March 24 there will be attractive cast and a new drive.

    Monday, February 28, 2011

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    March 12th: Hands off from school! Mica want our children to become like the trout?

    The protest starts from
    institutions and many citizens
    after the vitriolic statements against Berlusconi's public schools. Gelmini Minister defends him:" Nobody wants to privatize
    " .
    Privatizzatla not ... but make it irrelevant, perhaps. But the public school is the ABC of citizenship, is the equal access to knowledge, the only social elevator in an Italy have little merit. Berlusconi "Freedom means having the ability to educate their children freely, not be forced to send them to a state school where there are teachers who want to instill principles that are the opposite of those of their parents. " Ipse dixit ... Then come out Minetti and trout.

    Republic . It: "I defend the public school Forced and inculcated Conchita De Gregorio

    L ' Unit
    : Hands off the know. New Square: March 12
    • SIGN THE APPEAL UNIT ' L' Espresso
    • (Blogs A. Gilioli): different ideas

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    € 118 million per year and not even a shred of iPhone (no porn apps, President!)

    Premier Silvio Berlusconi
  • earns € 118 million a year , but can not even own a cell phone, one of those toys with the
  • funny ringtones
  • and Web apps. Not one shred of iPhone ( risqué without apps: Steve Jobs does not tolerate them!
  • ) from $ 700. Not even a Blackberry from serious or if the banker is held close Barack Obama, even if the status messages should use the cipher systems of the NSA. Nothing ... so much wealth, so much (im) power ... for nothing.
  • A tip: go into retirement. There reasons up: retiring and buying a nice Google Android Apps porn as she likes. A nice tablet, which attracts the girls more than a Labrador puppy. A with Windows 7 Phone
  • 's Avatar Xbox ): " do not know what you give me what I do, in front of you I do not react never ... It serves no purpose if we have the mind ... A girl can make you crazy even if ... do not want . All reactions when you're here, do not control more . "Come on, a call extends life. More than a chair of the Board ...

    Sunday, February 27, 2011

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    Bacchi Bacchi

    Bacchi Espresso e Massimo Chenda, amministratore di Caffemotive Srl, saranno su RAI 1 martedì 1 marzo 2011 alla trasmissione Occhio alla spesa durante la quale verrà presentata l'innovativa macchina espresso.

    Il tema della trasmissione sarà l'espresso fatto in casa in tutte le sue forme: cialde, capsule, macinato, ecc.


    Si deve sapere che la cosa migliore per ottenere un espresso perfetto a casa è avere un caffè tostato in grani, macinarlo sul momento e usare una macchina che possa dare una pressione costante di 9 bar...

    Saturday, February 26, 2011

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    on RAI 1 Espresso Espresso Sale Kiccocaffè

    La torrefazione Kiccocaffè di Pieve di Cento (BO) è possibile trovare in vendita Bacchi Espresso. Sul sito internet è possibile leggerne la descrizione:

    "La macchina per caffé espresso all’italiana modello “Bacchi Espresso”, funziona mediante una fonte di calore esterna. Per ottenere una bevanda di caffé espresso è necessario introdurre negli appositi vani, acqua possibilmente minerale naturale di bottiglia e caffé macinato fine per espresso. Essa è costruita completamente in alluminio ad uso alimentare con un trattamento protettivo chiamato “anodizzazione”, che conferisce alla superficie della macchina proprietà quali: anticorrosione, antigraffiatura, autopulizia, idrorepellenza, hardness and beauty. With this protective and decorative, the machine will keep unchanged during the time of its appearance and performance. "

    Via Garibaldi 64 / A
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    Tel 051 6861234 Fax 051

    Thursday, February 24, 2011

    Congratulations Baby Shower Message

    Bacchi Espresso streaming web streaming has

    Today, Andrea Bacchi, live, has been presented and interviewed by dr. Menna, presenter enogh. The transmission was broadcast in streaming www.bo210.it during which Andrea Bacchi presented his brilliant invention.

    There has been talk of the idea, coming to a night when Andrea wanted to do an espresso aregola art without necessarily having to go to the bar, the variables to make a perfect espresso and the peculiarities of the Bacchi Espresso. There is no mention
    a third party that the coffee shop in Bologna offering to sell the exclusive Espresso Machine and offers its customers specialty and gourmet coffee from around the world. Bacchi
    Espresso is an object dedicated to coffee lovers who are not content to prepare a simple coffee machine with the push of a button, but they want and claim to be able to prepare perfect espresso aun cas. The machine is also ideal for small farms and for those who are lovers of outdoor trips ... Espresso with Bacchi è possibile preparare il caffè usando un fornelletto a gas in montagna, in campeggio, al mare, in barca, ecc...

    Scopri Bacchi Espresso su www.caffemotive.com

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    What To Write To When Someone Had A Baby

    Andrea Bacchi Bacchi Bacchi Espresso Espresso

    Andrea Bacchi, inventore della macchina caffè espresso "Bacchi Espresso" sarà intervistato giovedi 23 alle ore 14.45 in streaming su www.bo210.it

    Durante la trasmissione verrà fatta vedere la sua invenzione e il filmato che ne fa vedere l'uso e il funzionamento. Bacchi espresso è un'invenzione che potrebbe rivoluzionare il mondo dell'espresso per uso domestico.

    Usando a casa Bacchi Espresso addio all'ingombrante macchina da caffè elettrica, addio alle incrostazioni limestone, goodbye to plastic capsules, and the enormous amount of pollution ...

    The interview may follow up:
    on digital terrestrial TV BO 210 BO 898 ch.210
    on FM radio in fm

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

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    March 4: Murder by Death

    "Quietus", the title of the new Murder by Death "Giamma Show organizes the legendary Montecura Farm!

    Sunday, February 13, 2011

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    Marriage Register Aurangabad

    February 17: Ridi'n'Bergamo! Interception

    Still Cabaret with comedians of the moment, more in Bergamo , still Freedom Square- auditorium, still in 21e30, more laughter maaaaaaaaa with a different show every night! This is RIDI'N'BERGAMO !

    Omar Fantini, Paolo Casiraghi, and you expect us comedic ...

    sale good parking 3 hours: 2.50 Euro
    info.ridinbergamo @ gmail.com
    The Smile & The City: Clare Laura Vincenti
    Pezzotta 392/5015880 340/6614500, 392/2591814 Rossana Capelli

    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Creamy Yellow Mucus After Ovulation

    February 12: Cabaret in Ponte Nossa (BG)

    Saturday, February 12
    Bar Gelateria
    in Ponte Nossa Bergamo

    celebrate Valentine's Day with a bit 'of humor. The Giamma Show cheer for half an hour the audience of the most famous ice-cream bar of this charming resort of Val Seriana, with the traditional mix made of imitation, monologues and characters.

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Facebook History Of Logins

    Soon the Ridinbergamo will undergo a transformation: from laboratory to show with great guest stars, music and dance. I can not anticipate a lot but the public is prepared to aficionados evenings even more "artistic", because you will not only laugh at them from the master.

    Meanwhile, the evening of February 3 was really funny and the host, Angelo Pintus directly from Colorado, was able to give that extra touch! I am proud to know and see the work of many professional comedians that make me way with advice in this troubled path to artistic growth. Writing is not easy, but I've always liked and I'm improving a lot (without tirarmela eh).

    Non credete a quelli che dicono che esiste "la scuola di comicità" per impare il mestiere... Io credo che o ce l'hai dentro o te lo scordi di riuscire ad "imparare". Omar (Fantini) dice che nella persona che sale sul palco devi vedere una certa scintilla, io direi anche un bagliore, quando fa "comicità"...e quella scintilla non si fabbrica con la scuola, ma è nel tuo "io".

    Prossimo appuntamento con il Ridinbg il 17 febbraio.

    foto by Sara Brena

    Indian Sari Blouses Designs

    Prepare for use

    Bacchi Espresso The espresso machine is easy to prepare and use.

    The video clearly explains how to obtain a perfect espresso with Bacchi Espresso simply using fresh water and fresh roasted and ground coffee.

    The first step is to fill the lower compartment of the car with the right amount of water, as well as the upper compartment of the boiler.

    Next you need to fill the filter with finely ground espresso coffee (loosely!) And insert the filter in the filter and seal the door with the shower.

    Once assembled the machine firmly tighten the top knob and put the car into the source of heat.

    Enjoy a perfect espresso so where and when you want.

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    South Park Streaming With Subtitle

    Andrea Bacchi Bacchi explains how to prepare the Espresso

    Andrea Bacchi spiega in questo video come utilizzare la macchina caffè espresso Bacchi Espresso.

    Innanzitutto è necessario inserire la giusta quantità di acqua nel vano inferiore che andrà a trasformarsi in vapore e a fornire la pressione per la percolazione del caffè espresso.

    Il secondo passo è quello di riempire di acqua il vano superiore del blocco caldaia: quest'acqua sarà quella che andrà a fare la bevanda... divertitevi ad usare diversi tipi di acqua!
    Terzo passo: inserire nel filter a quantity of finely ground coffee for espresso filling Satin (loosely!). Once inserted, the filter full of coffee in the filter element close to the Galley with two spouts.

    Once coffee also added to the group above the boiler shut the machine so vigorously that the seals are properly pressed.

    You just need to place the Espresso Bacchi on a heat source and wait about 6-7 minutes, until you hear the whistle, and then provided your perfect espresso.

    Remember to place the cups on the cup warmer when Bacchi Expressed on the positioning of the heat source.

    Sunday, January 30, 2011

    Low Alt Low White Ang High Mono

    Andrea Bacchi shows Bacchi Bacchi

    Andrea Bacchi, inventor of the patent Bacchi Espresso, presents the unique espresso machine BACCHI Triestespresso expressed during the fair Expo 2010.
    Bacchi Express is easy to use, requires no electricity for its operation and is capable of delivering the water percolation at a pressure of 9 bar. This feature, combined with the ability to heat the water at around 90 ° C, makes this machine ideal for the enthusiast di caffè!
    Bacchi Espresso è prodotta da Caffemotive Srl ed è un prodotto 100% Made in Italy, garanzia di un prodotto in tazza tale e quale a quello erogato dalle macchine caffè espresso professionali da bar.
    Bacchi Espresso è la macchina ideale per chi desidera e pretende un vero espresso a casa senza gli ingombri e i costi di una macchina professionale.