Sunday, January 30, 2011

Low Alt Low White Ang High Mono

Andrea Bacchi shows Bacchi Bacchi

Andrea Bacchi, inventor of the patent Bacchi Espresso, presents the unique espresso machine BACCHI Triestespresso expressed during the fair Expo 2010.
Bacchi Express is easy to use, requires no electricity for its operation and is capable of delivering the water percolation at a pressure of 9 bar. This feature, combined with the ability to heat the water at around 90 ° C, makes this machine ideal for the enthusiast di caffè!
Bacchi Espresso è prodotta da Caffemotive Srl ed è un prodotto 100% Made in Italy, garanzia di un prodotto in tazza tale e quale a quello erogato dalle macchine caffè espresso professionali da bar.
Bacchi Espresso è la macchina ideale per chi desidera e pretende un vero espresso a casa senza gli ingombri e i costi di una macchina professionale.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Queen Bed Fit Into Cargo Van

February 3: Ridin'n'Bergamo

Continua senza sosta il successo del Comedy Workshop of the City of a Thousand . Also for the first Thursday in February are provided many laughs with the best comedians of the moment.

Presented by Colorado and Omar Fantini Paolo Casiraghi. Among the comedians
addition to myself: Giorgio Zanetti (Zelig Circus), and Herbert Scintilla Cioffi (Colorado), Raffaele D'Ambrosio, Cristina Calabrese, Alessio Parenti (Central Station) and also I Panpers, Vito Carrer and many other

c / o AUDITORIUM - Freedom Square-Bergamo - 21.30

sale good parking 3 hours: 2.50 Euro
info.ridinbergamo @
Le Smile & The City: Chiara Pezzotta 392/5015880
Laura Vincenti 340/6614500, Rossana Capelli 392/2591814

Methed Of Masterbutation

Espresso Espresso in Ferrara and a satisfied customer

Questa mattina fra le tante email ricevute c'era quella di uno of our clients who recently purchased the Bacchi Ferrara Espresso.

Edgardo saw Bacchi at Espresso Coffee Art and Life, just saw the result that the machine is capable of producing, he has now bought a copy ...

is the message of Edgardo:

"I bought just yesterday expressed the berry after seeing her in operation and tried to have the best coffee c / o ArtLife coffee Ferrara. I am satisfied with the purchase."

Caffemotive Bacchi and Espresso wishes all its customers a good espresso!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Milena Velba Sailor Gallery

January 20: 2nd appointment Ridi'n'Bergamo

Secondo giovedì consecutivo per il laboratorio più cool di Bergamo.
Comici provenienti dalle più famose trasmissioni comiche della tv (Colorado, Zelig, Central Station) si esibiranno sul palco improvvisando e provando pezzi inediti. Non mancate perché abbiamo bisogno del vostro supporto.
L'entrata al laboratorio è di 6 euro.

Auditorium Piazza della Libertà, Bergamo
photos by Sara Brena

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Make A Soap Dish

Christmas sweets: "The ring of the Magi"

La ciambella dei Re Magi , è un dolce che proviene, principalmente, dalla trazione culinaria spagnola, dove il delizioso dolce viene chiamato Roscón de Reyes . Di solito si mangia trascorso il Capodanno, in prossimità del sei gennaio, momento religioso molto sentito in Spagna, proprio per l’arrivo nella grotta di Betlemme di questi mitici personaggi del presepe. 

La forma è quella classica del ciambellone e non può mancare nelle tavole soagnole perchè per i bimbi si tratta di una sorta di secondo 25 dicembre con i doni sotto l’albero, che hanno portato gli stessi Re Magi insieme a oro, incenso e mirra per Child Jesus.
During these feasts of Christmas therefore dilettatevi to try a dish that is now in law also joined in our culinary tradition and not only for the 'Epiphany .

Here are the ingredients:
  • 480 grams of flour 00;
  • 230 ml of milk;
  • 100 grams of margarine;
  • 35 grams of yeast;
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt 2 eggs
  • ;
  • zest 1 grated lemon
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 100 grams of mixed candied fruit;
  • 1 / 2 stick of cinnamon;
  • 30 grams of candied orange peel.
For the decoration:
  • candied fruit;
  • granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 2 tablespoons milk.
Take a bowl, fill it with warm water and put to soak the raisins to make it back fresh. At this point, so you heat the milk with a little sugar for a few minutes and then melt the yeast before leaving to stand for several minutes.

Sift, then the flour with salt and take the that will yield liquid margarine in a double boiler over low heat. Washed with water and grate the lemon peel, before working the flour with the salt dissolved yeast, eggs and liquid margarine.

add, now, milk, sugar, cinnamon and lemon zest and knead the dough. The latter will have to rise for half an hour while you care for you finely chop the candied orange peel.

After rising, take the dough and add the drained raisins, candied fruit and peels minced orange. Place the dough into a ring mold, which has been buttered and dusted with flour and let stand for 45 minutes. Preheat oven to 180 degrees, while taking an egg yolk and divide the album.

Il primo andrà versato in una ciotola con il latte. La pasta, invece, verrà spennellata con tuorlo e latte e decorata con la frutta candita e con la granella di zucchero, prima di farla cuocere per circa 45 minuti.

Poi, raccontatemi com'è andata...

Vi è piaciuto il Roscón de Reyes?

Come festeggerete il 6 gennaio?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Historia Kośioła W Datach

January 13: Cabaret Ridi'n'Bergamo

great start to this new and promising year, with the return Lab comedy "sold out" of Bergamo.
Omar Fantini, Paolo Casiraghi us and comedians, we are waiting for a new evening of LAUGHTER . Why only on stage that you learn ... more videos of youtube: only on the field, making him (and here I speak of any profession) you can really learn and try to improve.
I therefore thank all those who in 2010 gave me and they're giving me more confidence. Obviously not only speak but also to Ridi'n'bergamo of my profession. I hope that the 2011 will be equally positive.

THURSDAY January 13, 2011
AT 21.30

to book tickets (€ 6)

info.ridinbergamo @

Chiara Pezzotti
392/5015880 340/6614500
Ross Vincenti Laura Hair 392/2591814