Tonight's new episode on gay and Victory Sports
7 tonight on the new episode of Victory. Since the award-winning plays have made the courageous decision last week by the sports program again tonight
Paolo Colombo
will speak about homosexuality and sports.
I was able to talk to Colombo only a few minutes ago and besides being obviously pleased at the outcome of plays produced by the program last week he wanted to thank the football clubs in Catania, Inter and Sampdoria were Unique to immediately declare their willingness to be interviewed on the subject of gay footballers in the world of football.
He also reported that the episode on Friday, has had an effect he desired: one of the guys
KingKickers Friday, December 12, 2008
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that last week he did coming out and playing in a championship team has talked about his promotion homosexuality to his father, coach the same team that had not seen the episode. The father gave the child the answer that many students who are preparing to reveal their homosexuality to their parents would like to receive: "If you're happy, your happiness is also mine."
Paul Finally, I want to thank for his availability and gentilezza, mi ha dato alcune anticipazioni sulla puntata di stasera: Victory tornerà poi a parlare di gay e omosessualità con le testimonianze di Hernan Crespo, Kakhaber Kaladze, Christian Maggio e del campione del mondo del 1982 Paolo Rossi.
A proposito di questo servizio Paolo Colombo mi ha riferito che al termine dell'intervista è rimasto a parlare a lungo con Crespo e durante la conversazione ha rivelato al calciatore la sua omosessualità. Crespo, pur non essendo gay, si è informato sulla storia personale di Paolo e sul suo recente coming out: alla fine sembrava Hernan l'intervistatore. "Hernan è un ragazzo molto intelligente e ricorderò per sempre quella conversazione, è stata bellissima. Succede spesso che un ragazzo gay e uno eterosessuale diventino amici perché sapendo da subito che la storia non è possibile si instaura un sincero rapporto di amicizia".
Anche in questa puntata ci sarà un'intervista che farà molto discutere, come quella della settimana scorsa al calciatore escort della quale si è parlato in molti spogliatoi di serie A e non solo: Paolo intervisterà Marco Poggi, scrittore emergente di 28 anni, che presenterà il suo libro e che racconterà di avere da due anni una storia d'amore con un calciatore italiano che gioca in una grande squadra di serie A. Another service peppered the story of a former footballer, now a writer, who recently wrote a book that he has received during a riot, an oral report by a former teammate of Vicenza.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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Brokeback Mountain will not censored in response to Brokeback Mountain Raidue
Article from
Press Brokeback Mountain Rai on the case today:
There 'was no censorship, but a series of casual' that has prevented the airing the original version of "Brokeback Mountain."
Article from
Press Brokeback Mountain Rai on the case today:
RAI has bought the rights for the film "Brokeback Mountain" by Rai Cinema. Per un’eventuale trasmissione senza vincoli di orario, e’ stato chiesto alla societa’ Bim, che l’ha distribuito nelle sale, il visto censura.
In seguito a tale richiesta, il distributore ha consegnato la copia che aveva ottenuto il visto, mentre non e’ stato sollecitato l’invio contestuale della versione integrale.
Pertanto, quando Raidue ha deciso di trasmettere il film ha ritenuto di utilizzare la versione integrale non verificando sul terminale che la versione in possesso della RAI era quella che aveva ottenuto il visto censura per la trasmissione senza vincoli di orario.
talking about the cuts to the film and Rai has been received as of late at night a completely distorted version of the film. What a wonderful advertisement for the company and the country!
In seguito a tale richiesta, il distributore ha consegnato la copia che aveva ottenuto il visto, mentre non e’ stato sollecitato l’invio contestuale della versione integrale.
Pertanto, quando Raidue ha deciso di trasmettere il film ha ritenuto di utilizzare la versione integrale non verificando sul terminale che la versione in possesso della RAI era quella che aveva ottenuto il visto censura per la trasmissione senza vincoli di orario.
Il Direttore di Raidue ha preso l’impegno di mettere in programmazione la replica in the film version of the film without cuts.Spain, Brazil up to
Whether true or not because of the cuts, there was a swift counter-move. Very good. The controversy for once serve to arouse the attention of the "stairs" in television, at least. Please refer to the article by
TvBlog dedicated
, where he seems to have played a key role in mediating Vladimir Luxuria.
UPDATE: Waiting to see promise kept, we can appreciate how the complaint mother Rai has been around the world on major news sites. From France
talking about the cuts to the film and Rai has been received as of late at night a completely distorted version of the film. What a wonderful advertisement for the company and the country!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
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They came back the timing of the complaint. Steps that Rai decides to transmit Brokeback Mountain, winner of the Golden Lion in 2005 late evening, because it is "prohibited for children under 14 years." Steps that are almost nothing for the first advertised on television for some form of modesty or shame those responsible for network, but they have spent money to acquire the rights. But Ang Lee's film is actually cut is outrageous! Were cut all the scenes che evidenziano il rapporto di amore tra i due protagonisti. Perché, va ricordato, il sesso etero, con annesse allusioni e volgarità, va bene anche per la prima serata ma il sesso gay mai (neppure a mezzanotte). E, infatti, nello stesso film viene mostrato un principio di rapporto tra Heath e la moglie. Non solo: nessun problema di censura per la scena in cui Jake viene ammazzato di botte, con tanto di primo piano del viso sanguinante. Sì, picchiamoli!
A questo punto la Rai farebbe meglio a non trasmettere nulla, se deve censurare in questo modo sia le scene di sesso (in cui comunque non si vedeva niente) sia i baci tra i protagonisti. Su Raidue è andato in onda un altro film. They came back the timing of the complaint. Steps that Rai decides to transmit Brokeback Mountain, winner of the Golden Lion in 2005 late evening, because it is "prohibited for children under 14 years." Steps that are almost nothing for the first advertised on television for some form of modesty or shame those responsible for network, but they have spent money to acquire the rights. But Ang Lee's film is actually cut is outrageous! Were cut all the scenes che evidenziano il rapporto di amore tra i due protagonisti. Perché, va ricordato, il sesso etero, con annesse allusioni e volgarità, va bene anche per la prima serata ma il sesso gay mai (neppure a mezzanotte). E, infatti, nello stesso film viene mostrato un principio di rapporto tra Heath e la moglie. Non solo: nessun problema di censura per la scena in cui Jake viene ammazzato di botte, con tanto di primo piano del viso sanguinante. Sì, picchiamoli!
protest, the issue of 199,123,000
Rai, where you can express an opinion on the programs. Funny the reaction of the operator, the first attacked the phone down, the second one was prepared: "I know exactly what it refers to, but unfortunately I can not express my opinion."
Monday, December 8, 2008
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Brokeback Mountain tonight on Rai 2
After almost three years, the Italian television has finally managed to find an evening program for "Brokeback Mountain " film awards around the world, won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Venice, won four Golden Globe and received eight Academy Award nominations. The film will be broadcast this evening, December 8, 2008, at 22:45 Raidue first vision for the network in clear text. course, with a little 'courage in a more
film of this importance could be broadcast in prime time.
After almost three years, the Italian television has finally managed to find an evening program for "Brokeback Mountain " film awards around the world, won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Venice, won four Golden Globe and received eight Academy Award nominations. The film will be broadcast this evening, December 8, 2008, at 22:45 Raidue first vision for the network in clear text. course, with a little 'courage in a more
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Referee rugby fa coming out
more coming out in the world of sport. This time it's not an athlete but an arbitrator, an arbitrator of rugby.Nigel Owens, the Welsh referee, said his own experience, including his homosexuality, finally revealed, in an autobiographical book. Raised in Mynyddcerrig in Carmarthenshire has made its debut in the Rugby World Cup last year and is the first openly gay judge, at least at high level.
In a interview given to BBC said
"I told myself that this might help someone, I would not want anyone else to go through what I went through these years." more coming out in the world of sport. This time it's not an athlete but an arbitrator, an arbitrator of rugby.Nigel Owens, the Welsh referee, said his own experience, including his homosexuality, finally revealed, in an autobiographical book. Raised in Mynyddcerrig in Carmarthenshire has made its debut in the Rugby World Cup last year and is the first openly gay judge, at least at high level.
In a interview given to BBC said
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
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Il racconto del gigolò dei calciatori: "Ho una dozzina di clienti in serie A"
È un giocatore di C: "Ma nessuno dirà mai che è gay" Ci vediamo dopo le partite, la domenica, in albergo: 1500 euro per qualche ora, molti sono bisex, anche sposati
Alcuni giocano anche in nazionale li terrorizza essere scoperti e scoprirsi Forse è giusto così È un giocatore di C: "Ma nessuno dirà mai che è gay" Ci vediamo dopo le partite, la domenica, in albergo: 1500 euro per qualche ora, molti sono bisex, anche sposati
Non fa nomi, nemmeno il proprio. Però racconta quello che fa per lavoro, anche con i calciatori. «Importanti, anche di serie A, even national, even married. " And what he's done some time in the locker room. "Something more than a kiss." He also plays soccer, is a professional, in the former series C. But to make ends meet, does the italian gigolo with men, even the escort, as they say today. The assistant of special events for a fee. "Fifteen hundred euro for a few hours. The players pay without a murmur. I meet them often at the hotel on Sunday night after the game. In the only moment of peace they have. They want to relax. They have no problem to be kissed on the mouth. But they are afraid to say, rather they are terrified of being caught. I met with a dark, out Milan, I do not know who he was. The terms were that everything had to be done with the lights out. " E 'testimony that Victory has entrusted La7, in a service (will be aired tonight at 23.55), who wonders why homosexuality is still taboo in the league of Italian football. And why many first division clubs have refused to interview their players on this issue. Paolo Colombo is the author of the interview, presenter of the program. Who speaks is 25 and has a double life, is engaged to a girl who does not know why you do not want to recognize. "I sell my services to major players of teams, players have about 30 customers, a dozen series A, ce ne sono alcuni, non tanti, che fanno parte della nazionale, e anche sposati. In tre occasioni mi hanno chiesto di far l´amore in gruppo. Con più giocatori della stessa squadra, ma anche con amici di formazioni diverse. E´ solo una questione sessuale, niente parole. Tengono molto alla privacy e hanno una dannata paura di essere scoperti e di scoprirsi. Solo uno ha raccontato di sé, si è lasciato andare. Lo sanno che gioco anch´io, ma non vengo richiesto per questo. Mi chiamano per una questione di delicatezza, preferiscono una cosa soft. Sono più attivi che passivi. Molti di loro sono bisex, hanno bisogno di una facciata rispettabile, magari sono anche sposati. In Italia nessun calciatore del campionato ammetterà mai di essere gay, at least not now. There are too many social conditioning, and perhaps rightly so. " The rules do not provide
ever private house. "The meetings are almost always in a hotel or friend's house. In the hotel the excuse is always that a document be withdrawn, an autograph to be signed, and thus can not be registered. The price depends on the context and time. I ask 500 to 2,000 euro. If it is to stay all night, it happens rarely, the rate rises. Never had a discussion about money, they understand themselves. How to get to me? Through word of mouth. I go to entrepreneurs, professionals, people who do this work before I did not know. In the division where I play, it happened Some players stated privately and have sex in the locker room, running the risk, but for the public to take a step you have to have a lot of courage. "
For as he says in the service Claudio Bellucci, Sampdoria striker: "The image of the player is rude. And 'that Gattuso and Materazzi. A player would never be gay. "
from the republic of December 5, 2008
ever private house. "The meetings are almost always in a hotel or friend's house. In the hotel the excuse is always that a document be withdrawn, an autograph to be signed, and thus can not be registered. The price depends on the context and time. I ask 500 to 2,000 euro. If it is to stay all night, it happens rarely, the rate rises. Never had a discussion about money, they understand themselves. How to get to me? Through word of mouth. I go to entrepreneurs, professionals, people who do this work before I did not know. In the division where I play, it happened Some players stated privately and have sex in the locker room, running the risk, but for the public to take a step you have to have a lot of courage. "
For as he says in the service Claudio Bellucci, Sampdoria striker: "The image of the player is rude. And 'that Gattuso and Materazzi. A player would never be gay. "
from the republic of December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
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Gay nello sport: i KingKickers
After the publication of the post yesterday in which the services in advance of the next episode of Victory devoted to gay sports, including one of the most anticipated is certainly on Eurogames Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI was contacted by Francis, Captain dei KingKickers, la squadra di calcio milanese che a quei giochi ha partecipato. E' stato molto gentile e disponibile e ha accettato di rispondere a qualche domanda
Quando è nata la squadra dei KingKickers?
KingKickers After the publication of the post yesterday in which the services in advance of the next episode of Victory devoted to gay sports, including one of the most anticipated is certainly on Eurogames Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI was contacted by Francis, Captain dei KingKickers, la squadra di calcio milanese che a quei giochi ha partecipato. E' stato molto gentile e disponibile e ha accettato di rispondere a qualche domanda
Quando è nata la squadra dei KingKickers?
nascono come "estensione" di una squadra già esistente: la
. Sono nati proprio per partecipare agli eurogames: serviva una squadra di calcio a 11 con una rosa più ampia. E' giusto definirla una squadra gay?
Only this year have decided to participate in Eurogames then? Yes, we have decided to participate in Eurogames in February, but considers that some of us had already participated in other international football tournaments are organized each year that gay before: I've been there twice, for example Frankfurt, Hamburg twice, two times Barcelona and Paris once. Now I have a certa esperienza di tornei internazionali...
Quando siete partiti sapevate già che Paolo Colombo avrebbe fatto un servizio sulla vostra partecipazione?
Sì, lo sapevamo. L'abbiamo saputo fin dall'inizio
Le telecamere de la7 vi seguivano sempre? Sia durante le partite che in albergo?
Sì, ovunque. Te ne accorgerai vedendo la trasmissione
I hope, however, no one is sorry ... I can speak for themselves. and I can tell you that I did not regret what I did.
cultivate the hope that our gesture will serve mainly to us and I respect are interested if a player in Serie A will come out looking at the transmission and follow our example.
I'd be happier if the transmission seeing some of my friend who now lives hurt his homosexuality that she might know that has nothing to fear, that nothing happens to live serene
Well, this is my greatest hope. And I'd like many other gay guys playing in the minor leagues (and there are, I assure you) would realize that qui a Milano c'è un gruppo di ragazzi gay che vivono la loro stessa passione in maniera serena.
Come vi è venuta l'idea di dichiararvi? E' stato Paolo Colombo a proporcelo. Ha detto che avrebbe voluto fare delle interviste parlando di noi e del calcio. Il resto è venuto spontaneamente
Come è stata accolta questa proposta?
Dciamo che il primo a cui l'ha chiesto sono stato io; mi ha detto: “il capitano non può non parlare”
ed effettivamente non potevo tirarmi indietro
Sì, sono stato il primo ad essere intervistato
Dopo ti sei sentito released or worried?
I felt good, it was a spontaneous thing
Nobody, apart from the team, he knew of your homosexuality? None
After the interview you said to someone or waiting for them to see the broadcast?
This is a touchy subject that truly gave me much food for thought, for now no one knows yet ...
Topics some unexpected reaction?
I have to say the truth, I'm curious to see what the reactions and especially how I behave in front of them. It 's like a test
Here you thought even while recording?
No perchè noi non abbiamo seguito la registrazione. E' stato girato tutto in diretta a Barcellona
e lì non c'era il tempo di pensare a queste cose, la testa era impegnata da tuttl'altri pensieri
Oltre a me hanno fatto coming-out i due vice-capitani, un membro storico della squadra ed il più giovane del gruppo.
Non credi che le vostre dichiarazioni possano mettere in evidenza l'ipocrisia del mondo del calcio specialmente in quello professionistico che dipinge il calcio come sport non adatto ai gay. Ho riletto in questi giorni la dichiarazione di Gianni Rivera: “Ogni volta che sento parlare di gay tra i calciatori, mi stupisco. Mi sembra difficile pensare che scelgano un gioco così maschio”. L'ho trovata davvero deprimente. Tu che ne pensi?
Sicuramente, questo è il motivo principale per cui ho deciso di fare questo gesto. Leggere quelle dichiarazioni per uno come me (ma come me ce ne sono tanti) che ha giocato 27 anni a livello agonistico, che ha sul proprio corpo un'ottantina di punti in cicatrici, che ha giocato sui ampi in fango, con la neve, col gelo leggere quelle dichiarazioni mi ha veramente dato fastidio
Gianni Rivera è un mostro sacro del calcio, sai come veniva chiamato ai suoi tempi? L'abatino.
Questo soprannome glielo diede il compianto Gianni Brera perché lo riteneva troppo raffinato e tattico, poco disposto al sacrificio atletico e troppo leggero nel gioco di copertura, aveva cioè un modo di giocare poco “maschio", curioso vero? Ma per me Gianni Rivera rimane un grande, calcisticamente parlando, abatino o no.
E delle dichiarazioni di Cannavaro cosa pensi? “Non ho mai visto un calciatore gay”
A me pare impossibile, fai un po' te. Molto probabilmente non ha mai chiesto
Hai già visto il servizio di V-ictory?
No, è top secret. Lo vedremo tutti insieme in diretta dopo aver giocato una divertentissima partita di calcio, ovviamente
returned to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhow was that experience? Fantastic, I have lived from day one when the team was nothing more than a few names written on a piece of paper (I keep).
The preparation was hard (from the organizational point of view) but then all the efforts were rewarded by the enthusiasm with which everyone participated. From the sporting point of view did not go as we wanted: bad luck, inexperience (some were in their first international tournament) and another did not allow us to bring home a medal but to see the children happy and knowing that they had vissuto un'esperienza di gruppo indimenticabile mi ha davvero dato tanta carica
Andrà meglio la prossima volta.... avete intenzione di continuare questa esperienza, no?
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Sport e tabù: quanti gay da serie A
di Emanuele Rossi - Panorama
Paolo Colombo
, 41 anni, genovese, è uno dei volti emergenti di La7: conduce da settembre di Emanuele Rossi - Panorama
Paolo Colombo
, un programma di approfondimento dedicato allo sport. Per guardare il sports world from the inside "says Colombo" with the tragedies and joys of the characters, stories behind the characters. "
And the stories are often unpublished. Like those who chose to Colombo on Friday 5 (airs at 24): an entire episode that deals with a subject "taboo" in the sports world: homosexuality. "The idea was mine," said Colombo, "The theme of particular interest to me: I'm gay, I made my coming out this summer."
In a special occasion?
I spoke with my director Antonio Piroso in July, going to follow the Eurogames in Barcelona. What is this?
I'm kind of Olympic athletes involving gay, lesbian and transgender people from around the world. It was exciting, the opening was the mayor of the Catalan Jordi Hereu, thousands of spectators, a quite beautiful, you felt really an athlete. If you can imagine in Italy? I do not, either in Rome or Milan, which also defines a European city.
you participate?
Yes, I was coaching a soccer team, the KingKickers.
How did it go? Well, even if we went out in the second round, against a German team. With German referee (outrageous). The fact is that bothering to a person in the international federation.
There is an international federation?
Sure, the sport "gay friendly" exists and has its teams, its competitions, its international federations such as
Iglfa , which is that of football. And the world: the last edition was won by England (
the next will be in June 2009 in Washington DC
, ed.)
So it's not true, as said Luciano Moggi, "
in football there is no place for gays
Look, the game is always the same, these prejudices are pretty stupid. There are contrasts, piled up after the score and rivalry: the Eurogames there was another team and we were in Rome derby atmosphere. But in the locker room do not talk about girls ...
No, only boys ... They are all regular guys, some have girlfriends, play in the amateur, in the regional series.
And there are gay players in Serie A? There are and have always been, at least according to rumors in the environment.
But not expressly declare This is the ugly side of things, the need to hide. But we want to prove that it is not mandatory, five of my players will come out in broadcast Friday. And we hope others will follow: My dream is to coach the Italian national gay. If there are any type tricolor training singers and actors do not see why not!
It persists because this taboo? Partly for all the rhetoric "macho" that surrounds football, partly because you can imagine how such an ad can be received by the ultras. Slaughter them. Many think it is better not to risk, some will "build" of romances with beautiful girls that are merely a cover ... They are afraid of ending up ghettoized. Even if they speak to each other and are not backward children of some of their peers: for example with me have always been sensitive, even now we even joke about.
In fact there are very few known cases in the world of sports in general are stories we tell, even hard, like that of
Justin Fashanu, who played in England and when he publicly declared he was repudiated by the coach and his brother. He was found hanged a few years later in a garage in London. It was 1998, not a hundred years ago.
But then there are athletes that become true "icons" gay
Beckham The best known case, but also the advertising of Dolce and Gabbana with players of the national rugby and football in his underwear in the locker room: Do not think audiences are mica hetero
... And for you what are the most fascinating?
Well, Shevchenko, Behrami, Gasbarroni, Ambrosini ... Not because I would cite Sampdoria biased, but I put one of Genoa in Serie A ... there are really nice guys.
In a special occasion?
I spoke with my director Antonio Piroso in July, going to follow the Eurogames in Barcelona. What is this?
I'm kind of Olympic athletes involving gay, lesbian and transgender people from around the world. It was exciting, the opening was the mayor of the Catalan Jordi Hereu, thousands of spectators, a quite beautiful, you felt really an athlete. If you can imagine in Italy? I do not, either in Rome or Milan, which also defines a European city.
you participate?
Yes, I was coaching a soccer team, the KingKickers.
How did it go? Well, even if we went out in the second round, against a German team. With German referee (outrageous). The fact is that bothering to a person in the international federation.
There is an international federation?
Sure, the sport "gay friendly" exists and has its teams, its competitions, its international federations such as
Iglfa , which is that of football. And the world: the last edition was won by England (
the next will be in June 2009 in Washington DC
, ed.)
So it's not true, as said Luciano Moggi, "
in football there is no place for gays
Look, the game is always the same, these prejudices are pretty stupid. There are contrasts, piled up after the score and rivalry: the Eurogames there was another team and we were in Rome derby atmosphere. But in the locker room do not talk about girls ...
No, only boys ... They are all regular guys, some have girlfriends, play in the amateur, in the regional series.
And there are gay players in Serie A? There are and have always been, at least according to rumors in the environment.
But not expressly declare This is the ugly side of things, the need to hide. But we want to prove that it is not mandatory, five of my players will come out in broadcast Friday. And we hope others will follow: My dream is to coach the Italian national gay. If there are any type tricolor training singers and actors do not see why not!
It persists because this taboo? Partly for all the rhetoric "macho" that surrounds football, partly because you can imagine how such an ad can be received by the ultras. Slaughter them. Many think it is better not to risk, some will "build" of romances with beautiful girls that are merely a cover ... They are afraid of ending up ghettoized. Even if they speak to each other and are not backward children of some of their peers: for example with me have always been sensitive, even now we even joke about.
In fact there are very few known cases in the world of sports in general are stories we tell, even hard, like that of
Justin Fashanu, who played in England and when he publicly declared he was repudiated by the coach and his brother. He was found hanged a few years later in a garage in London. It was 1998, not a hundred years ago.
But then there are athletes that become true "icons" gay
Beckham The best known case, but also the advertising of Dolce and Gabbana with players of the national rugby and football in his underwear in the locker room: Do not think audiences are mica hetero
... And for you what are the most fascinating?
Well, Shevchenko, Behrami, Gasbarroni, Ambrosini ... Not because I would cite Sampdoria biased, but I put one of Genoa in Serie A ... there are really nice guys.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
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V-ictory: i gay nello sport
will be a special episode of the V- ictory
which airs Friday, December 5 at 24:00 on la7. Not to be missed. The weekly sports led
will be a special episode of the V- ictory
which airs Friday, December 5 at 24:00 on la7. Not to be missed. The weekly sports led
by Paolo Colombo, historical face LA7 rose to prominence in recent months for being the first Italian sports journalist to have made coming-out. News that we have given a preview of how they know the readers of this blog.
The episode, which promises to be historic for Italian television, is nearing completion but some indiscretion has already emerged. Among the services provided: "I've never seen a gay footballer"
- or those of Luciano Moggi "The Football is not for gays " or even those of Gianni Rivera
"Every time I hear about gay between the players, I wonder. It seems hard to believe they will choose a game as male "), interviews with reporters, players and athletes are not necessarily homosexual, but that address front of television cameras and broadcast the theme of homosexuality in sports.
The history of German football player Marcus Urban who has stopped being a professional to play in a gay club.
A service on the gay games in Barcelona 2008
Eurogames with the history of Kingkickers , the Milan soccer team coached by sports journalist who attended the games. The cameras V-ictory have followed the guys in the team during games is that in moments of relaxation and how he had known in advance Paolo Colombo evening at Borgo during which he declared his homosexuality to the present, five players will Kingkickers of coming-out before the cameras .
A journey into the world of fashion to find out why athletes, rugby union, soccer players or swimmers that have become true icons gay.
There will also be on an exclusive backstage pictures of the famous Dieux du Stade calendar, that of playing rugby union in the French league and other goodies with "boni from fear - it ensures the conductor Paolo Colombo - which should paste gay and not in front of television La7. There is an interview
explosive must-see, is intended to bring down too many taboos that exist in the third millennium, when it comes to gays in professional sports. On this service we can not anticipate anything, their mouths are sewn, and this makes us guess that will really be a "bomb". We hope to be able to know something more in the coming days.
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La Chiesa cattolica approva
This happens in some countries where homosexuality is illegal. There
their apology, is 500 years.
Monday, December 1, 2008
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