Sunday, August 23, 2009

Brazilian Waxing Men Ottawa

Annoyed by effusions and wounding two guys kissing gay is a serious need to go

Denunciato a piede libero 40enne. Imma Battaglia, organizzatrice del Gay Village: «Deve stare in carcere»
di Carlotta De Leo
articolo tratto dal Corriere della Sera

Due ragazzi gay che si stavano scambiando effusioni sono stati aggrediti e feriti con una bottiglia di vetro e forse un coltello da un 40enne romano che è stato denunciato dalla polizia per tentato omicidio. La violenza è avvenuta nella notte di venerdì all' uscita del «Gay Village», manifestazione estiva che si svolge nel parco Rosati (quartiere Eur). Una delle vittime, un ragazzo appena ventenne, è grave: è stato accoltellata all'addome, riportando danni a un polmone e al fegato ed è sottoposto ad intervento chirurgico all'ospedale Sant'Eugenio. L'altro ragazzo ha avuto una prognosi di sette giorni per una ferita al cuoio capelluto perchè received a bottle on his head. For the attack was denounced A. S, 40-year old with a criminal record. The man is on bail and the decision of the magistrate to avoid jail is creating much controversy.
SEEMED a bullfight - "It was like a bullfight the bull, but instead there was a bloody guy no one intervened, but they all looked. And he, the animal, the madman, after giving the boy a knife filled thirty of kicks and punches. " So says a witness who intervened to defend the two gay men. The attack took place about four o'clock on Friday night, the two guys (a friend of the witness and a young little known before) hug and exchange a few innocent kiss when suddenly approached by a group of people and one started shouting: "What are you doing? There are two boys aged 14 who do not want to see certain things. " The couple of guys said: 'We're not doing anything wrong, we are free people in a free country. " "Then - says the witness - the man walked away a few feet, took a bottle and has cracked in the head by one and then hit him with the knife from the other who fell to earth . That beast has continued to fill it with kicks and punches. I approached, I almost got my arm and moved away. There was blood everywhere. I shouted to all who were present to do something but no one moved. Meanwhile, the man and his friends have departed aboard two cars. Then came the police and ambulance. Now that boy is intubated, all morning, has undergone surgery. It is out of danger but still serious.. "

BATTLE: "MUST BE IN PRISON" - Imma Battaglia, organizer of the Gay Village The Battle welcomes the gesture of rebellion of the young men assaulted, and that the witness who spoke and gave the police a man full identikit. "The police came immediately and, thanks to the story of the witness, who identified the assailant had fled." The squad has identified Capitoline AS of 40 years, affected for property crimes and drugs, and reported him in a state of freedom of attempted murder. I do not understand why we did not put in jail - attacks the Battle -. From time argue that Italy should sign a law that homophobia should be considered an aggravating factor for these crimes. The mayor of Rome to join us in this battle. " Sunday, the deputy mayor of Rome, Mauro Cutrufo, will visit the young man to hospital. At the base of the attack, according to Battle, also a "overcrowding of demonstrations in the euro zone that brings diverse people and can lead to incidents of homophobic intolerance as this."

ALEMANNO "UNACCEPTABLE IS OUT "-" A truly despicable and unjustifiable violence "so dil mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, defines the attack suffered by the two gay guys. And for him it is "unacceptable that a stabber who has acted with a clear motive for sexual intolerance is now reported only at large for a mere procedural technicality." "Once again," added the mayor - I must protest strongly to a decision taken by a magistrate. Without certainty of punishment and without 'adequate toughness in the face of crimes of public concern, any policy on security and combating crime and de-legitimized. I strongly request that the investigating magistrate immediately takes the measure of restriction in carcere di questo delinquente».

«A ROMA SI VIVONO TEMPI BUI» - «Mai vissuti, a mia memoria, tempi così bui a Roma». Così Vladimir Luxuria commenta l'aggressione a due ragazzi gay. «La città - dice Luxuria, più volte protagonista delle serate del Gay Village - è sempre più insicura per tutte le categorie deboli non solo per le donne. Ci sentiamo tutti meno sicuri e viviamo con terrore questo clima fatto di squadracce e spedizioni punitive. Stavolta è toccato a due persone che erano colpevoli solo del fatto che si stavano abbracciando». Preoccupazione arriva anche dall'Arcigay: «Un episodio terribile, che ci sconvolge - dice il presidente di Arcigay Roma, Fabrizio Marrazzo - . Purtroppo le aggressioni verso le persone gay , e soprattutto verso le coppie, sono in allarmante aumento nella Capitale. Nel Paese c’è un clima di intolleranza che vuole colpire anche i nostri amori».

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