Monday, February 28, 2011

Ohio Temporary License Expired

March 12th: Hands off from school! Mica want our children to become like the trout?

The protest starts from
institutions and many citizens
after the vitriolic statements against Berlusconi's public schools. Gelmini Minister defends him:" Nobody wants to privatize
" .
Privatizzatla not ... but make it irrelevant, perhaps. But the public school is the ABC of citizenship, is the equal access to knowledge, the only social elevator in an Italy have little merit. Berlusconi "Freedom means having the ability to educate their children freely, not be forced to send them to a state school where there are teachers who want to instill principles that are the opposite of those of their parents. " Ipse dixit ... Then come out Minetti and trout.

Republic . It: "I defend the public school Forced and inculcated Conchita De Gregorio

L ' Unit
: Hands off the know. New Square: March 12
  • SIGN THE APPEAL UNIT ' L' Espresso
  • (Blogs A. Gilioli): different ideas

Disability Emigrating To Australia Sickness

€ 118 million per year and not even a shred of iPhone (no porn apps, President!)

Premier Silvio Berlusconi
  • earns € 118 million a year , but can not even own a cell phone, one of those toys with the
  • funny ringtones
  • and Web apps. Not one shred of iPhone ( risqué without apps: Steve Jobs does not tolerate them!
  • ) from $ 700. Not even a Blackberry from serious or if the banker is held close Barack Obama, even if the status messages should use the cipher systems of the NSA. Nothing ... so much wealth, so much (im) power ... for nothing.
  • A tip: go into retirement. There reasons up: retiring and buying a nice Google Android Apps porn as she likes. A nice tablet, which attracts the girls more than a Labrador puppy. A with Windows 7 Phone
  • 's Avatar Xbox ): " do not know what you give me what I do, in front of you I do not react never ... It serves no purpose if we have the mind ... A girl can make you crazy even if ... do not want . All reactions when you're here, do not control more . "Come on, a call extends life. More than a chair of the Board ...

    Sunday, February 27, 2011

    Genital Piercings Boot Camp

    Bacchi Bacchi

    Bacchi Espresso e Massimo Chenda, amministratore di Caffemotive Srl, saranno su RAI 1 martedì 1 marzo 2011 alla trasmissione Occhio alla spesa durante la quale verrà presentata l'innovativa macchina espresso.

    Il tema della trasmissione sarà l'espresso fatto in casa in tutte le sue forme: cialde, capsule, macinato, ecc.

    Si deve sapere che la cosa migliore per ottenere un espresso perfetto a casa è avere un caffè tostato in grani, macinarlo sul momento e usare una macchina che possa dare una pressione costante di 9 bar...

    Saturday, February 26, 2011

    Tattoos Of Angel Babies

    on RAI 1 Espresso Espresso Sale Kiccocaffè

    La torrefazione Kiccocaffè di Pieve di Cento (BO) è possibile trovare in vendita Bacchi Espresso. Sul sito internet è possibile leggerne la descrizione:

    "La macchina per caffé espresso all’italiana modello “Bacchi Espresso”, funziona mediante una fonte di calore esterna. Per ottenere una bevanda di caffé espresso è necessario introdurre negli appositi vani, acqua possibilmente minerale naturale di bottiglia e caffé macinato fine per espresso. Essa è costruita completamente in alluminio ad uso alimentare con un trattamento protettivo chiamato “anodizzazione”, che conferisce alla superficie della macchina proprietà quali: anticorrosione, antigraffiatura, autopulizia, idrorepellenza, hardness and beauty. With this protective and decorative, the machine will keep unchanged during the time of its appearance and performance. "

    Via Garibaldi 64 / A
    40066 Pieve di Cento (Bo)
    Tel 051 6861234 Fax 051

    Thursday, February 24, 2011

    Congratulations Baby Shower Message

    Bacchi Espresso streaming web streaming has

    Today, Andrea Bacchi, live, has been presented and interviewed by dr. Menna, presenter enogh. The transmission was broadcast in streaming during which Andrea Bacchi presented his brilliant invention.

    There has been talk of the idea, coming to a night when Andrea wanted to do an espresso aregola art without necessarily having to go to the bar, the variables to make a perfect espresso and the peculiarities of the Bacchi Espresso. There is no mention
    a third party that the coffee shop in Bologna offering to sell the exclusive Espresso Machine and offers its customers specialty and gourmet coffee from around the world. Bacchi
    Espresso is an object dedicated to coffee lovers who are not content to prepare a simple coffee machine with the push of a button, but they want and claim to be able to prepare perfect espresso aun cas. The machine is also ideal for small farms and for those who are lovers of outdoor trips ... Espresso with Bacchi è possibile preparare il caffè usando un fornelletto a gas in montagna, in campeggio, al mare, in barca, ecc...

    Scopri Bacchi Espresso su

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    What To Write To When Someone Had A Baby

    Andrea Bacchi Bacchi Bacchi Espresso Espresso

    Andrea Bacchi, inventore della macchina caffè espresso "Bacchi Espresso" sarà intervistato giovedi 23 alle ore 14.45 in streaming su

    Durante la trasmissione verrà fatta vedere la sua invenzione e il filmato che ne fa vedere l'uso e il funzionamento. Bacchi espresso è un'invenzione che potrebbe rivoluzionare il mondo dell'espresso per uso domestico.

    Usando a casa Bacchi Espresso addio all'ingombrante macchina da caffè elettrica, addio alle incrostazioni limestone, goodbye to plastic capsules, and the enormous amount of pollution ...

    The interview may follow up:
    on digital terrestrial TV BO 210 BO 898 ch.210
    on FM radio in fm

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    Optimal Annealing Temperature

    March 4: Murder by Death

    "Quietus", the title of the new Murder by Death "Giamma Show organizes the legendary Montecura Farm!

    Sunday, February 13, 2011

    Write In Cards Bachelorette

    Marriage Register Aurangabad

    February 17: Ridi'n'Bergamo! Interception

    Still Cabaret with comedians of the moment, more in Bergamo , still Freedom Square- auditorium, still in 21e30, more laughter maaaaaaaaa with a different show every night! This is RIDI'N'BERGAMO !

    Omar Fantini, Paolo Casiraghi, and you expect us comedic ...

    sale good parking 3 hours: 2.50 Euro
    info.ridinbergamo @
    The Smile & The City: Clare Laura Vincenti
    Pezzotta 392/5015880 340/6614500, 392/2591814 Rossana Capelli

    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Creamy Yellow Mucus After Ovulation

    February 12: Cabaret in Ponte Nossa (BG)

    Saturday, February 12
    Bar Gelateria
    in Ponte Nossa Bergamo

    celebrate Valentine's Day with a bit 'of humor. The Giamma Show cheer for half an hour the audience of the most famous ice-cream bar of this charming resort of Val Seriana, with the traditional mix made of imitation, monologues and characters.

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Facebook History Of Logins

    Soon the Ridinbergamo will undergo a transformation: from laboratory to show with great guest stars, music and dance. I can not anticipate a lot but the public is prepared to aficionados evenings even more "artistic", because you will not only laugh at them from the master.

    Meanwhile, the evening of February 3 was really funny and the host, Angelo Pintus directly from Colorado, was able to give that extra touch! I am proud to know and see the work of many professional comedians that make me way with advice in this troubled path to artistic growth. Writing is not easy, but I've always liked and I'm improving a lot (without tirarmela eh).

    Non credete a quelli che dicono che esiste "la scuola di comicità" per impare il mestiere... Io credo che o ce l'hai dentro o te lo scordi di riuscire ad "imparare". Omar (Fantini) dice che nella persona che sale sul palco devi vedere una certa scintilla, io direi anche un bagliore, quando fa "comicità"...e quella scintilla non si fabbrica con la scuola, ma è nel tuo "io".

    Prossimo appuntamento con il Ridinbg il 17 febbraio.

    foto by Sara Brena

    Indian Sari Blouses Designs

    Prepare for use

    Bacchi Espresso The espresso machine is easy to prepare and use.

    The video clearly explains how to obtain a perfect espresso with Bacchi Espresso simply using fresh water and fresh roasted and ground coffee.

    The first step is to fill the lower compartment of the car with the right amount of water, as well as the upper compartment of the boiler.

    Next you need to fill the filter with finely ground espresso coffee (loosely!) And insert the filter in the filter and seal the door with the shower.

    Once assembled the machine firmly tighten the top knob and put the car into the source of heat.

    Enjoy a perfect espresso so where and when you want.

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    South Park Streaming With Subtitle

    Andrea Bacchi Bacchi explains how to prepare the Espresso

    Andrea Bacchi spiega in questo video come utilizzare la macchina caffè espresso Bacchi Espresso.

    Innanzitutto è necessario inserire la giusta quantità di acqua nel vano inferiore che andrà a trasformarsi in vapore e a fornire la pressione per la percolazione del caffè espresso.

    Il secondo passo è quello di riempire di acqua il vano superiore del blocco caldaia: quest'acqua sarà quella che andrà a fare la bevanda... divertitevi ad usare diversi tipi di acqua!
    Terzo passo: inserire nel filter a quantity of finely ground coffee for espresso filling Satin (loosely!). Once inserted, the filter full of coffee in the filter element close to the Galley with two spouts.

    Once coffee also added to the group above the boiler shut the machine so vigorously that the seals are properly pressed.

    You just need to place the Espresso Bacchi on a heat source and wait about 6-7 minutes, until you hear the whistle, and then provided your perfect espresso.

    Remember to place the cups on the cup warmer when Bacchi Expressed on the positioning of the heat source.