Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Make A Mini Cricket Bat

Christmas Cakes: "The cups cake"

Although we are still in full Christmas season, you'll definitely home a huge amount of panettone and, perhaps, you'll wonder what you can do before going to avoid evil. Naturalemnte, if any goodness served, prepared or eaten too frequently becomes tedious and unwelcome. The site offers an alternative White Christmas curious and delicious dish to reinvent a whole new look great and make a New Year's Eve. The idea is to create cups cake , simple and tasty per accontentare pure i palati piĆ¹ raffinati.

Ecco gli ingredienti per 6-8 persone:

  • 300 g di panettone senza crosta
  • 120 g di panna montata
  • 2 arance
  • 9 uova
  • 7 fogli di colla di pesce
  • 1,5 l di latte
  • 350 g di zucchero
  • 200 g di frutta candita in pezzi
  • a glass of rum

Take the gelatin and put it under cold water. Wash, then, oranges and, after drying, start to grate the peel. In the end, just get the pure juice and filter it, pour it into a saucepan. United now, the grated peel, 50 g of sugar and rum, boil and turn off only when all the liquid has reduced by half.

It 's time to break the eggs, to separate the yolks from the whites and to mount the first with 130 g of sugar. In the meantime, you will boil milk with another 130 g of sugar. The compound will be put on the fire, adding gradually the sweetened milk for a frothy cream.

Pour cream into a bowl with half the fish glue squeezed. Add the orange sauce and whipped cream. Still, whip 3 egg whites with remaining sugar and chopped panettone. Add egg and cake to the mixture and mix. Create many small bowls and refrigerate to cool. Served, finally, with the remaining cream with pieces of candied fruit.

What do you think? Try this nueva recipe?

Happy New Year
Italian Espresso

Street: White Christmas

Pictures: Giardino Fiorito


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