Friday, December 10, 2010

Sample Community Service Record

The evening at the press ... December 16 to December 16

Ecco un articolo della bravissima giornalista Rossella Martinelli, pubblicato su "il Giornale di Bergamo" . Vengo citato too.
Thursday, December 16th we will be so out of solidarity to PALACREBERG Bergamo-music and cabaret, a combination not to be missed!

Telethon: there is also Omar Pedrini
Al Creberg, Thursday 16, many comedians "Colorado" and great musicians
"A busy night: there will be 50 musicians on stage, all with live performances and accompanied by a band. A little while ago we called a friend and great musician, Omar Pedrini, to confirm his presence with the other Omar - Fantini - will create an unmissable musical curtain in a comic. "
One three-hour spectacle, we said, a very popular price: 10 euro per ticket, bought in advance in the branch of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Via Palma il Vecchio (tel. 035/2652684). "But we hope that during the evening pubblico doni un ulteriore contributo nelle cassettine disposte all’interno del teatro», del resto il fine è quello di sostenere la ricerca sulle malattie genetiche.


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